Silent Studio Directory - 71 - Continental Kunstfilm - GERMANY - 1912-1915 - production company formed from Schmidthassler Film GmbH by Walter Schmidthassler and Max Rittberger; offices located at 235 Friedrichstrate and studio at 123 Chausseestrate (the old Deutsche Bioskop studio) in Berlin. Continental Photo-Play Corporation - US - 1915 - production company with offices located at 6114 Germantown Avenue, Philiadelphia, with a studio located at 20 Herman Street. Co-operative Cinematograph Co. - UK - 1911 - production and distribution company. Copenhagen Film Co. - DENMARK - 1913-1914 - production company with New York offices located at 712 Vanderbilt Bldg. New York. Coquille Film Co. - US - 1914- 1915 - production company formed April 24, 1914 with J. F. Carter; located at 1347 Moss St. New Orleans, Louisiana; films were released regionally but unable to get national distribution; bought out in November 1915, by Nola Film Co. Corona Cinema Co. - US - 1917 - production company located in Los Angeles, California with F. E. Keeler as president. Cort Film Corporation - US - 1915 - production company located in the Longacre Building, 1476 Broadway, New York with John Cort as president. Cortland Pictures Corp. - US - 1921 - production company located at 822 Hume Mansur Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana with offices at 117 W. 46th St. New York; Cortland J. Van Deusen was president and general manager. Corvin-filmgyar - HUNGARY - 1916-1928 - production company formed by Alexander Korda in Budapest. Cosmo Feature Film Corp. - US - 1912-1915 - distribution company formed in New York by Nathan Hirsch through states rights; in 1915 changed name to Pioneer Feature Film Corp.