Silent Studio Directory - 128 - George H. Wiley, Inc. - US - 1923 - distribution company located at 220 W. 42nd Street, New York. George Kleine Attractions - US - 1913 - distribution company located at 166 N. State Street, Chicago, Illinois. George Kleine Optical Company - US - 1907-1919 - distribution company located at 63 E. Adams St. Chicago, Illinois with offices at 110 W. 40th St. New York; one of the founders of the Kalem Company and member of the Motion Pictures Patents Co.; known for importing and distributing international films in the U.S. George Prince Film Service - UK - 1913-1914 - distribution company with offices located at 124 Dale St. Liverpool. Georgia Hopkins Picture Co. - US - 1921 - production company. Gerald F. Bacon Productions - US - 1920-1921 - production company located at Fulton Theater Bldg., Broadway and 46th St., New York. German-American Cinematograph and Film Co. - US - 1904 - production company formed by Eberhard Schneider and located at 175 E. 96th St. New York. German Biograph - GERMANY - [see Deutches Biograph] Germanic Official War Films, Inc. - US - 1917 - production company located at 729 Seventh Avenue, New York. Gerrard Film Company Limited - UK - 1915-1916 - distribution company located at 13, Gerrard Street, London. Gibraltar Pictures - US - 1920 - production company located at 135 West 44th Street, New York. Gillespie Brothers & Co. - US - 1919 - distribution company located at 220 West 42nd Street, New York. Glascow Film Co. - UK - 1913- 1914 - distribution company with offices at 4 Howard St., Glascow.