Silent Studio Directory - 304 - they made Metropolis, they went bankrupt; in 1925, Paramount and MGM bailed them out and created an import company to supply the U.S. with German films called Parufamet; Nazis took control of Ufa in 1937; after World War II, the Soviets renamed Ufa as DEFA (Deutsche Film AG). [see Parufamet] Uranus Films - UK - 1913 - distribution company located in the U.K. by Anderson’s Film Agency. Urban Trading Co. Ltd. - UK - 1914 - distribution company [see Charles Urban Trading Company; Urban Eclipse; Urbanora Films; Warwick Trading Co.] Urbanora Films - UK - -1914 - trade name used for films produced by Charles Urban Trading Co. Usla - US - 1924-1925 - production company specializing in westerns. W