Silent Studio Directory - 199 - Mohawk Film Company, Inc. - US - 1912-1914 - production company located in the Times Building, New York. Molina Film Corp. - US - 1921 - located in Anaheim, California and formed by Leon J. Mook, Walter F. Rippe, Max Royer, Wilbur Miller, Richard Melrose, Marie Faraud, and John W. Wilcox. Mona Darkfeather Productions - US - 1921 - production company to produce one reel Indian dramas distributed by C. B. Price, Inc. Monarch Exclusive Film Co. - UK - 1913-1914 - distribution company formed by Lewis Cohen and Philip Glenswick with offices at 18 Cecil Court, Winchester. Monarch Photo Play Co., Inc. - US - 1915 - production and distribution company located in Room 1408 Times Building, New York, with Bob Russell as president. Monarch Producing Co. - US - 1914-1915 production company formed by Harry Harvey and distributed through Kriterion; merged to form Associated Film Service Corp. in 1915. Monarch Production Co. - US - 1924 - production and distribution company located in New York specializing in black films. Monmouth Film Corp - US - 1916- 1917 - production company located in the Brokaw Building, New York, with Harry McRae Webster as president and Julies Burnstein as general manager. Monogram Films - US - 1924-1925 - production company with Dwight Leeper as president; specialized in westerns; (NOTE: not to be confused with Monogram Pictures which was formed in 1931 and not a silent studio.)