Acknowledgements We consider this book as “the next step”. It’s the first-of-its-kind, none-other- like-it, etc. It has been the hardest and one of the most enjoyable books we’ve ever written. It has been on our minds for many years, but was always a future thought. We never believed we would be able to put it together. It is our 19th reference book and honestly could not have been feasible without the research and books before it. It has been like a series of standing dominoes, each one triggering and making the next possible. So, when it comes to acknowledgements, it is really not appropriate to just say that all information and images were either in our files or provided by our sponsors and members. Only through the time spent in telephone interviews, the patience of those who taught us specific areas, the dedication of members who constantly send us material, and the sponsors who loan us rarities that we could never afford , and give us support to keep the wolves from our door, could this book have been possible. This book is “the next step” across the line. The first step across the line of just documenting posters, was our Movie Still Identification Book to reconstruct production codes to help identify unknown movie stills. That made Production Code Basics possible, reconstructing how they came about and how each studio utilized them. This book goes a step further by expanding to the trade ads and using all types of film accessories to reconstruct silent film history to help with identification and dating of obscure silent material. It crosses from being a reference book about movie posters to a book to help anyone involved with the silent film industry. We have to acknowledge Grey Smith from Heritage Auction, whose constant support and encouragement keeps us pushing to fill in the next blank space, and Bruce Hershenson, whose team is constantly searching for more information and accuracy. We really have to acknowledge our sponsors and members whose financial support allows us the privilege of doing what we enjoy, researching, untangling and documenting film accessories to help make this a better and more stable hobby and industry. Please see the list on the last page of this book which shows where their ads are. Please take time to notice the ads throughout this book and support these wonderful people as they have invested financially in YOUR education by sponsoring this book.