Silent Studio Directory - 171 - Ko-Ko Films - US - 1915 - production company located at One Wall Street, New York. Komedia Filmi - FINLAND - 1926- 1927 - production and distribution company formed by German cinematographer Jager; distributed German Ufanamet films to Finland. Kosmik Films, Inc. - US - 1912 - production company distributed through George Kleine. Kosmofilm - POLAND - 1912-1914 - production company formed in Warsaw by Henryk Finkelstein and Samuel Ginzberg to produce Yiddish films; in 1914, absorbed by Sfinks Studio. Krackerjack Komedies, Inc - US - 1921 - production company located at Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg. 116 W. 39th St., New York, with Frederick A. Blumberg as president and James A. Montalbano as V. P. and treasurer; produced two reel comedies. Kremer Films - US - [see Victor Kremer Film Features] Kriterion Film Corp. - US - 1914- 1915 - distribution company formed November 1914 by C. H. Ayres, E. H. Reilly and H. F. Rhatigan for Alhambra Motion Picture Co., Crown City Film Manufacturing, Liberty Film Co., Mica Film Co., Monarch Producing Co., Monty Films, Nash Motion Picture Co., Inc., Navajo Film Manufacturing, Robin’s Photoplays, Inc., Santa Barbara Motion Picture Co.; offices located at 1600 Broadway New York; distributed approximately 21 films per week as a package called Kriterion Program; mid 1915, Associated Film Service Corp. began distributing their films. Kulee Features - US - 1915-1916 - production and distribution company that handled some of Photo Drama material.