Silent Studio Directory - 309 - Victoria Film Agency - UK - 1913- 1914 - distribution company with offices located at 58-60 High St., Bedford. Victory Feature Films Ltd. - UK - 1913-1915 - distribution company located at 29a Charing Cross Road, Westminster. Victory Film Mfg. Co. - US - 1918 - production company located at 218 W. 42nd St., New York and distributed through General Film. Victory Pictures - US - 1918 - trade name distributed as Fox- Victory Films. Victus Exclusive Photoplay Co. - UK - 1914-1915 - distribution company located at 99a Charing Cross Road, Westminster. Vim Comedy Co. - US - 1915-1917 - production company founded by Mark Dintenfass and Louis Berstein; offices at 326 Lexington Ave., New York, with studio in New Jersey; acquired Lubin Manufacturing Co. Jacksonville studio located at 750 Riverside Ave. when it closed; primarily produced two reel comedies which included the Pokes and Jabbs series starring Bobby Burns and Walter Stull and the Plump and Runt series starring Billy Ruge and Oliver Hardy; released under the trade name of Supreme Comedies; internal legal battles between Dintenfass and Berstein caused their closure in 1917 with Amber Star Film Corp. taking over the Jacksonville studio; Berstein retained the New Jersey studio and continued producing Billy West Comedies under the trade name of King Bee Films.