Silent Studio Directory - 37 - Ben Miller Productions - US - 1922 - production company specializing in westerns. Ben Roy Productions - US - 1921 - production company specializing in westerns. Ben Wilson Productions - US - 1921 - production company located at 5821 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, California; produced 5 reel features and serials; distributed through Arrow Film Corp. Benned Film Co. - US - 1914 - production company located in the World’s Tower Building, 110 W. 40th Street, New York. Berg-und Sportfilm - GERMANY - 1920-1927 - production company; translates as Mountain and Sports film. Bernstein Film Productions - US - 1917-1922 - production company located at Boyle & Stevenson Aves, Los Angeles, California; went out of business in 1922. Berolina Film GmbH - GERMANY - 1924 - production company located at Kochstr.12, Berlin. Bert Lubin Pictures - US - 1920 - distribution company located at 1476 Broadway, New York; formed by Bert Lubin to distribute 5 reel westerns. Berwilla Film Corp. - US - 1920- 1924 - production company located at 5821 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, California with Ben Wilson as president and William La Plant as V. P. and general manager; distribution through Arrow Film Corp. Best and Baker - AUSTRALIA - 1906 - production company located in Melbourne. Better Day Pictures, Inc. - US - 1923-1924 - production company formed with Bruce Barton as president, Elmore Leffingwell as V. P., and James S. Brown as head of production; produced films featuring Bruce Barton stories. Betzwood Film Co. - US - 1918- 1922 - production company formed by the acquisition of the