Silent Studio Directory - 132 - Gotham Productions - US - 1926 - production company distributed by Lumas Film Corporation. Governor’s Boss Photo Play Co. - US - 1915 - production company located in the Times Building, New York with J. Huyler Ellison as president. Graf Productions, Inc. - US - 1922- 1923 - production company formed by Max Graf; distribution through Metro Pictures Corp. Grafton Film Publishing Co. - US - 1916-1917 - distribution company formed by Edward L. Grafton to distribute for Monrovia Feature Film Corp. and Empire Feature Film Co. Grand Feature Film Co. - US - 1915 - distribution company located in Kansas City, Missouri, with Nate Block as president. Grand-Asher Distributing Corp. - US - 1923-1924 - distribution company formed by Harry Asher to distribute Grand-Asher Films; located at 15 W. 44th Street, New York. Grand-Asher Films - US - 1923- 1924 - production company formed by Harry Asher; located at 1432-38 Gowers St., Los Angeles, California; distributed through Grand-Asher Distributors. Grandes Productions Cinematographiques - FRANCE - 1920-1926 - distribution company located in Paris; expanded to production in 1923. Graphic Film Corp. - US - 1917- 1922 - production company formed December 3, 1917 by Ivan Abramson after leaving Ivan