Silent Studio Director - 87 - Douglas Fairbanks Pictures Corp. - US - 1917-1926 - production company located at 5320 Melrose Ave. Hollywood, California with Douglas Fairbanks as president and John Fairbanks as treasurer and general manager; formed to produce films featuring Douglas Fairbanks Sr.; in 1926, reorganized into the Elton Corp. Dra-Ko Film Co., Inc. - US - 1915 - production company with offices located in the Commercial Trust Building, 1451 Broadway, New York and studio in Tappan, New York; George G. Wilson was president. Draco Film Co. - US - 1915-1916 - formed December, 1915; located in Tappan, New York with distribution through Mutual Film Corp. Dramagraph Co. of America - US - 1910 - production company with offices at Lincoln Building, No. 1 Union Square, New York and factory and studios in Edgewater, New Jersey. Dramascope Company - US - 1914 - production company located at 110 West 40th Street, New York. Dramatic Feature Film Co. - US - 1915 - production company formed April 1915 with Frank J. Baum as president and Francis Power as head of production; distribution through Alliance. Drankov and Co. - RUSSIA - 1907- 1917 - [see A. Drankov & Co.] Drascena Productions - US - 1920- 1921 - production company located at Haas Bldg., Los Angeles, California with Charles M. Conant as president; formed to produce one, two, and five reel comedies and features. Drew Comedies - US - 1917 - trade name for comedy shorts produced by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew; distributed by Metro Pictures Corp. Dudley Motion Picture Manufacturing Co. - US - 1916 - founded by M. B. Dudley to produce westerns in Redlands, California and released through Unity Sales Corp. Duke Worne Productions - US - 1926-1928 - production company. Duskes Film - FRANCE - 1912- 1914 - production company with distribution through Pathes in France and through Elite Sales Agency in the U.K.