Silent Studio Directory - 42 - two reel westerns featuring Grant Merrill and Peggy Parkan. Boris Thomashefsky Film Co. - US - 1915 - production company formed to produce Yiddish classics featuring Boris Thomashefsky. Bostock Jungle and Film Co. - US - 1915 - production company founded in July 1915 by David Horsley after purchasing the Bostock collection of animals; studios situation on 5 acres with 6 stages located at Main and Washington Sts. Los Angeles, California; produced animal films; distribution through Mutual Film Corp. Bosworth, Inc. - US - 1913-1917 - production company formed by Frank A. Garbutt, Joseph Garbutt, H.T. Rudisill and Hobart Bosworth and featuring Jack London stories; located at 110 West 40th Street, New York; later moved to 201 N. Occidental Blvd. Los Angeles with filming at the J.A.C. Studios; distribution was moved to Paramount in 1914; Bosworth left the company in March 1915 and production was taken over by Morosco and Pallas Pictures; merged into Famous Players-Lasky Corp on June 20, 1916. Bosworth-Paramount - US - 1914 - trade name for Bosworth films distributed through Paramount. Box Office Attractions Co. - US - 1914-1915 - distribution company formed from Box Office Attractions Film Rental Co. in May 1914 as Fox gained exclusive contracts from Solax, Blache, American Film, Film Releases of America, Ramo, and Great Northern for distribution in the New England area; offices located at 130 West 46th Street, New York with William Fox as president; absorbed into Fox Film Corp in February1915.