Silent Studio Directory - 246 - Raising-the-Maine Film Co. - US - 1913 - production company located at 145 West 45th Street, New York. Ralph Connor Productions - 1920- 1921 - production company formed by Ralph Connor to convert his novels into film productions; worked with Dominion Film Co. and Ernest Shipman. [see Ernest Shipman and Associates] Ralph Ince Film Attractions - US - 1918-1919 - production company formed to convert novels and stage plays into film productions; distribution through Associated Pictures Inc. Ramo Films, Inc. - US - 1913- 1916 - production company and studio located in the Columbia Theatre Building, New York; distributed through Exclusive until 1914 when Exclusive went out of business; released under trade name Regent Films. Ramona Films - US - 1915 - production company that specialized in westerns. Ranous Motion Picture Co. - US - 1913-1914 - production company formed by W. V. Ranous and distributed by Warner Bros. through Warner’s Features. Raver Film Corp. - US - 1915-1918 - production company formed by Harry R. Raver in October 1915 and located at 110 W. 40th St. New York; used the W. Lindsey Gordon studio on Staten Island then moved production to Rockville, Long Island; in 1916, took over production by Ocean Film Corp. and in 1918, changed corporate name to Harry Raver, Inc.