Silent Studio Directory - 176 - Lawrence Weber Photo Dramas, Inc. - US - 1921 - [see Apollo Trading Corp.] Le Film d’Art - FRANCE - 1908- 1909 - production company formed by Paul Laffitte and located in Paris. Lea Bel Co. - US - 1914-1917 - production company located at 912 Schiller Building, Chicago, Illinois. Leading Players Film Corporation - US - 1913-194 - distribution company located at the Leavitt Building, 126-130 W. 46 Street, New York. Leah Baird Productions - US - 1920-1923 - production company located at Ince Studio, Culver City, California. Lederer’s Celebrities Film Co. - US - 1913-1914 - production company formed by George W. Lederer with distribution through Warner Bros.-Warner’s Features. Lee-Bradford Corp. - US - 1924- 1925 - production and distribution company formed in New York by Arthur A. Lee and F. G. Bradford to produce a series of comedies under the trade name of Lightning Comedies; imported British films for distribution through states rights; Bradford died in 1925; Lee closed Lee-Bradford Corp. and opened AmerAnglo Corp.