Silent Studio Directory - 160 - studios located at 1425 Fleming Street, Los Angeles, California; Jesse D. Hampton was owner and general manager. Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co., Inc - US - 1914-1916 - production company formed by Jesse L. Lasky with offices located at Long Acre Theater, W. 48th Street, New York; Samuel Goldfish was general manager and Cecil B. DeMille was director general. Jester Comedy Co. - US - 1917- 1918 - production company formed by William Steiner to make two reel comedies featuring Fernandez Perez as Twede-Dan; offices and studios located in Cliffside, New Jersey. Jewel Productions, Inc - US - 1917-1919 - production company formed August 26, 1917 with Harry M. Berman as president and Leon J. Bamburger as general manager; located at 405 Mecca Building, New York; in June 1919, consolidated with Universal and used the trade name of Universal-Jewel. Jimmy Aubrey Comedies - US - 1921 - trade name for two reel comedies produced by Vitagraph Studios. Jimmy Callahan Comedies - US - 1921 - trade name for two reel comedies produced by Callahan Film Co. and distributed through Film Market, Inc.