Silent Studio Directory - 267 - Sherman-Elliott, Inc. - US - 1916 - distribution company located at 220 West 42nd Street, Suite 1702, New York. Sherman Krellberg Productions - US - 1919 - [See S. L. K. Serial Corporation] Sherry Service - US - 1918 - distribution company located at 729 7th Avenue, New York; formed by William L. Sherry, former VP of Paramount, to distribute “Broncho Billy” Anderson films. Shochiku Cinema Co. - JAPAN - 1920-current - well established Kabuki production company owned by Matsujiro Shirai and Takejiro Otani since 1895; moved into film production in 1920; acquired Taikatsu in 1922 and began to modernize the Japanese film industry with new equipment and creation of the star system; produced Japan's first “talkie” in 1931, (The Neighbor's Wife and Mine aka The Lady Next Door and My Wife); silent films continued to be produced until the late 1930s. Short Films Syndicate, Inc. - US - 1925-1927 - distribution company of short films by states rights with Joseph Pincus as general manager; offices at 729 7th Ave., New York. Shubert Film Corp. - US - 1914- 1916 - production company formed to handle material of William A. Brady, Charles A. Blancy and Owen Davis; offices were located at 223 West 44th St., New York, with Joseph L. Rhinock as president and Jules Murry as general manager; distribution through World Film Corp. Sid Films - US - 1914 - trade name used by Sid Olcott International Features.