Silent Studio Directory - 151 - Floor, Consumers Building, Chicago, Illinois with Eddy Eckles as general manager; exclusive distributors of all Pinnacle Productions. Independent Moving Pictures Co., Inc. (IMP) - US - 1909-1913 - production company formed by Carl Laemmle and Robert Cochrane to produce films for independent exhibitors; merged with several other companies to form Universal Pictures. [See Laemmle Film Service, Universal Pictures] Independent Pictures Corporation - US - 1923-1925 - distribution and production company located at 1540 Broadway, New York, with Jesse J. Goldburg as president. Independent Sales Corp - US - 1918-1919 - distribution company formed May 6, 1918 by Colonel Julian Ruppert (owner of NY Yankees) as the marketing arm of Film Clearing House; in September 1919, merged with Film Clearing House to become Hallmark Pictures Corp.