Silent Studio Directory - 317 - Walturdaw Co. - UK - 1913-1923 - distribution company located at 40 Gerrard St., Winchester, Cardiff and Birmingham; distributor of Solax Films, Bavaria Film, Behr Bros. Duskes and Deutsche Bioscop. Ward’s Films Ltd. - UK - 1914- 1915 - distribution company located at 121 Wardour St., Westminster; formed by Harry Bawn, Henry Lundy, John George Lundy, Wright Lundy and Harry Ward. Wardour Films, Ltd - UK - 1925- 1927 - distribution company with offices located at 173 Wardour St. London. Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. - US - 1923-1969 - production company formed April 4, 1923 by Harry, Albert, Samuel and Jack Warner.