Silent Studio Directory - 29 - was president and J. M. Boggs was V. P. Atlas Feature Film Co. - UK - 1913- 1914 - distribution company with offices located at 7 Gerrard St. Winchester. Atlas Film Co. - US - 1910-1913 - production company with distribution through Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Company. Atlas Film Company of America, Inc. - US - 1921 - production company located 705 W. 8th St. Los Angeles, California; H. A. Crempw as president and general manager; released Charlie Conklin films; distribution through Mt. Olympus Distributing Co. Atlas-Biocraft - UK - 1924 - production and distribution company. Athletic Feature Films - US - 1917 - distribution company located at 218 West 42nd Street, New York with Marty McHale as president, Tris Speaker as V. P. and Tom McEvoy general manager. Atroy Film Service - UK - 1913-1914 - distribution company with offices located at Cromwell Hall, Lancaster. Attractions Distributing Corp. - US - 1920 - distribution company located at 1476 Broadway, New York with B. P. Schulberg as president; distributed Katherine MacDonald productions through First National Exhibitors Circuit. Augustus Film - ITALY - 1928 - production company. Aurora Film Plays Corporation - US - 1915 - production company located at 1476 Broadway, New York. Australasian Cinematograph Company Pty, Ltd - AUSTRALIA - 1907-1929 - production company. Australasian Film Co. - AUSTRALIA - 1913- - production company formed in January 1913 from the merger of newly formed General Film Co. of Australasia and Greater J. D.