Silent Studio Directory - 265 - Selznick Co. - US - 1923 - production company formed by David O. Selznick (Lewis’ son). Selznick Distributing Corp. - US - 1923-1924 - distribution company formed by Lewis J. Selznick after the bankruptcy of Select Pictures. Selznick Pictures Corp. - US - 1919-1923 - production company formed by Myron Selznick (Lewis' son), with brother Howard Selznick as assistant and brother David as treasurer; financed by their mother with offices at 729 7th Ave., New York and using studios at Fort Lee, New Jersey. Selznick Productions - US - 1916- 1917 - [see Lewis J. Selznick Productions, Inc.] Serial Film Corp. - US - 1916-1917 - production company with William Steiner as president and head of production; formed to make serials and comedy shorts; studio located at Cliffside, New Jersey, with some filming done in Jacksonville, Florida; distribution through Unity Sales Corp. and then Metro Pictures Corp. in 1917. Serial Publication Corp. - US - 1915 - distribution company located at 29 Union Square, New York.