b'3. We have been poster collectors for over 30 years.For the last 10 years or more, we have been tracking and compiling NSS poster numbers through the years. We had documented about 15,000 NSS numbers that were taken off the posters. (REMEMBER: the trailer numbers and the poster numbers are the same number just slightly modified). We combined what we had compiled from posters with the two NSS lists that we acquired. This also gave us a batch of numbers that had been eliminated because of reissues AND numbers from small independent films and shorts that had also been eliminated. Because of THIS addition, you will see a lot of titles with the original release year marked beside the title. In the logs, these posters are marked in the Source column with a P. Additional InformationIn 1962, when NSS was putting together their 1962 Master Index, they included a large amount of information. It was shown in the logs in the way of Codes. So we have included the Codes column to also give you that information. This legend is in the front of the 1962 Master Index:You will notice that added to some of the production numbers are letters which designate the following: A - "A" designates those pictures for which we can furnish only accessories, since no trailer was made.C - The letter "C" designates those pictures for which we have trailers in color. Note: Warner and Metro colored pictures are not so designated. D - The letter "D" designates a 3 dimension picture. F -The letter "F" designates a CinemaScope picture. R - The letter "R" designates a reissue and is followed by the new production number, if any, assigned to the picture. S - The letter "S" designates a Serial picture. We now have trailers and accessories on Film Classic serials in addition to Columbia. On all other serials we can furnish only accessories. X - Where a picture plays under 2 or more titles and these titles are so listed in this code book, the titles and variations are designated by the letter "X" T - Whether original distributor has transferred picture rights to a new distributor, trailers not to be serviced unless specifically authorized by Home Office. Accessory service also governed by Home Office approval.THE LOGSJust one more section of information before you go rushing into the logs.We have covered the years 1940, which was the initial year for numbering posters, until 1989. In 1990, NSS changed their number system away from a single number for a TITLE to individual numbers for each PRINT JOB (i.e., each size has its own number), eliminating the benefit for collectors and researchers.'