LAMP Member Area
LAMP Member Area
 LAMP's Member Area is dedicated to advance research of film accessories on a world-wide basis with exclusive techniques for dating, verifying and authenticating film accessories through obscure research into lithography plate numbers, poster artist signatures, movie still production codes, studio logos, NSS codes, censorship markings, vintage trade magazines, documents and much more.

This is a Membership Only Section.
All information, research, images and material is copyrighted and property of Ed and Susan Poole.
It can not be used for any outside purpose for any reason without prior approval.
By entering, you are ackowledging that fact.
To become a member, click here.


Where to Start




NSS Misc Stills Studios
2024 LAMP logo
If this is the type of research that you need?
Become a member


The Production Code Database is online - click on Stills. We currently have over 70,000 codes online.

We do not plan to create any more printed versions, but will continue to add new production codes in this new format.

New sections will be coming online soon.


© 2001-2024 Ed and Susan Poole
Disclaimer - Contact Us